Thursday, 22 March 2012

Coffee & Walnut Cake

Coffee has been a longstanding obsession of mine (and half the nation's I might add) but nuts are more of marmite thing. Coming across a new obsession with them be it hazelnut, pecan or almond I naturally came to the conclusion I had to try my two loves combined in a hopefully blissful union. Now I know we're not reinventing the wheel here but coffee and walnut cake is once again a love it or hate it; more so for me however, love to eat the cake, hate the ones in the shop. Thus began my quest for the perfect recipe. Never in my life has anything been so easy as finding 'the' recipe. Usually a laborious, and ever so slightly fattening, task of testing ensues but here, the first recipe I attempted reigned supreme. Nigella, queen of scrumptious presents creates not only the most moist, moreish cake but also the simplest done entirely in the blender! A job well and deliciously done, find the recipe here.