Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, Baker Man!

 See I know they have wedding season and that makes sense. Beautiful bright, warm and sunny days, albeit the fortnight a year we get in Britain, make for a happy Bride, wonderful photos and even better memories, but since when did there become a 'baby season'? Okay I know the birds and the bees and maths may not be my strong suit but I can work out a logical correlation, but so many people around me seem to be having babies. So in honour of these friends I took out some new piping nozzles for a spin and tried something a little different.

 I've never been massively into piped work nor have I ever attempted basket weave, namely because the majority of cakes using the technique seem to be outdated and unoriginal basket cakes with flower sprays on top. I fell in love with this technique! It was so easy to master as the beauty of it lies in its simplicity. Once you know the basic prinicple of how to create the weave you're cooking on gas and mistakes are easily rectified or failing that adds to the character, a winner!! I didn't pay such attention to the surrounding of cake (I told you I wasn't great at piping and here it shows!) but once again utilising my much loved blossom cutters and a fondant ribbon proving it doesn't always take great skill and tools to create an effective finish. Now go everyone and try basket weave and lets get rid of the bad name its created for itself!

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